Weekends in calendar view



Is there anyway to have weekends grey shaded in the calendar view, yet still have them be working days? So far, I've only found either gray and non-working or white and working.

Jan De Messemaeker


A workaround is to have them as non-working days in the project calendar,
but to base all resoruce calendars on a 7/7 calendar, thus tehy will work
weekends but the view knows them as non-working

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620
Lac said:
Is there anyway to have weekends grey shaded in the calendar view, yet
still have them be working days? So far, I've only found either gray and
non-working or white and working.

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