You might want to do a search for weight watchers excel spreadsheets. There are a couple out there that you can download that may have all that information for you and all you need to do is complete the daily information.
Here are a couple of links for different excel spreadsheets that may be of interest:
a Weight Watchers Recipe Points Counter.
All you have to do is type in the ingredients and their points and it will ad up the value at the end. A little of a manual process but hopefully it will help you do recipes and figure out the points. The second spreadsheet is a way to calculate your points. If you do not want to just use the book to write down your points then you can use this Weight Watchers Points spreadsheet.
http://xptechsupport.com/points.xls The spreadsheet allows you to add your points for each day of the week and then you can do a "Save as" and give it the name of the week and you will have an archive of all of your points to look back on.
And this link is for a WW journal and points calculator that will give you a spreadsheet that will track the points used (Points Used) each day, the cumulative points used for the week (Total), the cumulative points allowed
Hope this helps you out.
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