Weird behaviour when trying to edit linked Access data via form


Mathias Hofmann

Hello experts,

I have a weird problem with my Access application I developed. I have
a frontend mdb that contains the forms to edit the remote data. In
addition to that every client frontend stores several local tables.
The frontend mdb is linked with another access table. I had to set up
a 1:1 relation between the local tables and the remote tables. Because
Access is not able to handle the referential integrity between local
and linked tables I handle that by code.

Now the problem: I created a query that joines these data from local
and linked table to one recordset (dynaset, of course). The aim behind
that was to use a table to easily edit the data, wether its local or
remote, at once. When I do this in the datasheet of the query it works
without problems. When I use the form it sometimes works. But
sometimes it creates weird errors: I modify a recordset and switch to
the next. When I go back to the record I edited before the changes are
undone. But the changes were made in the recordset before! Too
comlicated? See:

Rec.No. 1 - Field "Price" shows 20$
Switch to Rec.No. 2 - Changed Field "Price" from 100$ to 50$
Switch to Rec.No. 3 - Do nothing
Switch to Rec.No. 2 - Field "Price" shows 100$
Switch to Rec.No. 1 - Field "Price" shows 50$

I cannot reproduce that error. I dont know when it appears, it seems
that there is no "rule" when it appears. Maybe some of you has
experienced the same error.

Again: In the query window of the query that the form is based on it
work pretty fine. It has to do with the form, but I dont know why...

Thanks for any comments and suggestions.

- Mathias Hofmann

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