Weird index.htm



My site is working great. It is located in G:\Documentsand Settings\BB44\

However, when I open index.htm on my PC and then press <PREVIEW> I get

An error has occured on this script.
Line 3
Character 1114

Question: Why, when I press <PREVIEW> is FP trying to read a cached page
instead of the loaded page ?
Question: Even when I delete all the files in the above TempDIRectory, I
still get this error???

Seems like there should be some kind of setting to make FP read from the
local file.
Help is much appreciated.



To read from the actual page use Preview in Browser.
<Preview> will always use a page from the FrontPageTempDir.

MD Websunlimited

Up until the time you save the page to the open web the page is saved into FP temp folder.

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