Weird Issue


Irfan Deen

I am trying to connect to Exchange 2000 server from Outlook 2000
and I get this message "The name could not be resolved..."
I can check the emails through Outlook Web access.

I am able to ping Exchange server and all my network operations are fine
No other user is facing this issue on our network.It used to work fine till

The affected user is running Window 2000 SP3.

I tried to reinstall Office,TCP/IP etc but no luck

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you,


do you have extra entries in your host-file?
(C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\host). If so you might want to delete
these. After this open a command prompt and type (without quotes) "ipconfig

try again typing the name in the field for the server. If this doesn't
resolve the name use the FQDN ( for the server.

Hope this helped!

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