Weird Junk Mail Problem


Ken Montgomery

Hi Everyone,

I've exhausted my contacts at Microsoft, and still can't find a resolution.
We have a one-domain Exchange environment, running on one server. The domain
controllers are other servers, so no problem there. We have 168 users, but
have 4 that have a weird problem.

Our domain is When usera sends one of the 4 users (let's call
him userb) an email at (e-mail address removed) it goes into junk mail. Now this is
all within the same domain... so I figured, well the user is blocked or set
through a rule to go to junk mail... no such luck. So we did some more
testing, setup the script to be able to view SCL (Spam Confidence Levels) on
the messages... so if (e-mail address removed) sends (e-mail address removed) a message, it
comes through with an SCL of 1 which goes straight to junk mail (even though
SCL is set to 6 on the server). If (e-mail address removed) sends (e-mail address removed) a
message and usera replies, it goes into the inbox with an scl of either 0 or

My problem is that (of course) the people experiencing this problem work in
IS and in administration... so they are the last people it should be
happening to.

Any thoughts on what to try would be beneficial, I've about torn my hair out
over this one...


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Does this happen to every message userb sends to usera? What's the content
of that message? userb's actual username isn't something like
(e-mail address removed) is it? :) What version of Outlook are you using? Any
3rd party anti-spam software running? Do you have Outlook's client-side
anti-spam enabled?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft Outlook FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Ken Montgomery

That's pretty good... I got a laugh out of that one actually.. thanks Ben...
but to answer your questions, no...

usera = (e-mail address removed) (me)
userb = (e-mail address removed)

So no porno in the names or nothing... message content can be anything, I've
tried just one word messages, messages with nothing but simple text, html,

Outlook version is 2003 on both ends... actually on all users...

Yes, both sides are using Outlook client-side anti-spam, but have cleaned
out all rules, even gone so far as to uninstall Outlook and reinstall.

No other third party anti-virus stuff running.

I'm baffled... any suggestions would be appreciated...


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Well, not that this will be encouraging, I've found a lot of little baffling
issues like this with the Outlook junk mail filtering.

Question: If you turn off the client-side junk mail on the recipient side
does the problem go away? I'm trying to figure out if it's a client-side
problem with Outlook junk e-mail or if it's a server-side issue.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft Outlook FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Ken Montgomery

Thanks again for the input Ben,

I'm going to try that as soon as possible, but we've lost a microwave link
due to the windstorm and I've got to get that straightened out first... will
be in touch when I get a test run...


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