Weird "Parameter Request"


Ray S.

Each time I run a query, a dialog pops up that asks me to enter a parameter
value. The value requested reads "Query1.FIRST_NAME." The problem is that
there are no parameters in any of the underlying queries, and I have no query
named Query1. All the underlying queries run fine without even a hiccup. If
I ignore the request and just click the "OK" button on the dialog, the query
runs perfectly. What is causing this weird anomaly?


Try this --
Open the query in design view. Right click in the table area of the grid and
select Parameters. See if it is listed, if so, delete.

Ray S.

I think I mentioned that there were no parameters. That was the first thing I
checked - not only for the query I'm running, but for any other query on
which it depends.

Ray S.

OK, when I run the Aanlyze-Documenter on the query, it does have this line in

OrderBy: Query1.FIRST_NAME OrderByOn: True

but the problem is that there is no such query anywhere in my database.
Neither is there any reference to such non-existent query in any other query
in the database that does exist.


Sometimes Access has stuff that is not readily visible. You will need to
rebuild the query. You may be able to copy the SQL into another query and
have it work fine. Otherwise you will need to build it from scratch.

Ray S.

Thanks for your help. I don't mind saying that this is a very un-satisfactory
result. Microsoft should not have "hidden" stuff that is not documented or
documentable. This really should not happen; and if it does, Microsoft should
have a "fix" for it. If their solution is just re-build your queries, that

E. Miller

AHHH...but when 95% of the world uses your products there isn't much
motivation to improve your product now is there? Too busy coming up with
next year's new batch of "bells and whistles" to worry about fixing what is
already out there.

Ray S.

Thanks. I don't want to come across as "bashing" Microsoft, but it seems
inexcusable to just ignore such a blatant error that shows up in the Analyzer
report, yet has absolutely no traceable source. Truly amazing!


On design view of the query click view / SQL view and clear the
offending bit if it shows up.


Ray S.

Sorry, but that was one of the very first things I tried. When I say there
was NO trace of the offending non-existent query, I really mean NO trace. The
only place it showed up was in the Analyzer as I mentioned above. I have seen
NO explanation of why or how, but each time I ran the query, this stupid
weird parameter dialog would pop up requesting that I enter a parameter for
"Query1.FIRST_NAME." Now, although the field exists, there is nowhere, and I
emphasize N 0 W H E R E, any query with the name Query1 or anything even
remotely resembling that name.

Pieter Wijnen

One workaround that might do it is to create a Query1 With the Offending
Field & delete it afterwards
Assuming Compact & repair doesn't do it. Sounds like MSysObjects contains
the infamous query
To verify create a query linking MSysObjects & MSysQueries

A Sample Query1 could be:




Ray S.

Thanks Pieter,

I'll try that. I saved a backup of my database with that strange anomaly
precisely so I could work on finding the source of the problem. For my
working copy, I just re-created the query from scratch. If it helps, the
anomaly disappeared. Your response is helpful because I really want to know
what happened.

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