Hi there, I have a very strange problem happening in a document I'm
trying to print. There is one section of the document that is in two-
column format, and this is followed by a table that runs over two
pages. When I print the document double-sided, the first page of the
table prints out upside-down! The second page of the table comes out
right way up. It looks fine in print preview and prints fine if I
print it single-sided. The problem is not with the table, as I have
tried adding a page in with normal text on it, and that prints upside
down too. Basically whatever comes on the first page immediately
after the column text section prints upside down!!
I've read up a bit on section breaks and tried different types of
breaks, and also tried adding a column break before the section break
(as the text ends at the end of the first column), but nothing seems
to work.
Any ideas anyone??????
trying to print. There is one section of the document that is in two-
column format, and this is followed by a table that runs over two
pages. When I print the document double-sided, the first page of the
table prints out upside-down! The second page of the table comes out
right way up. It looks fine in print preview and prints fine if I
print it single-sided. The problem is not with the table, as I have
tried adding a page in with normal text on it, and that prints upside
down too. Basically whatever comes on the first page immediately
after the column text section prints upside down!!
I've read up a bit on section breaks and tried different types of
breaks, and also tried adding a column break before the section break
(as the text ends at the end of the first column), but nothing seems
to work.
Any ideas anyone??????