Weird Tabs and Cursor movement



I created a 12 page form with many tables. Each table has text form fields.
Each page of the form has a table with one row that serves as the header.
This “header table†has six columns and each cell has a text form field in
it. This row is on each of the 12 pages. Once the user types in the required
information, the information fills down to each of the 10 pages.

The user uses the tab key to move between form fields on each page,
including the header table cells. However, when the user tabs in to or out
of the header table cells, the cursor briefly jumps to the very top of the
document and then returns to the next cell.

Even weirder, when I mouse-click on the header table cells, the cursor jumps
to the top of the document and stays there/

How can I stop this?

I used the following code for the fill downs

Sub Autofill_Name1()
Dim strInput As String

strInput = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name1").Result
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name2").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name3").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name4").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name5").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name6").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name7").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name8").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name9").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name10").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name11").Result = strInput
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name12").Result = strInput

End Sub

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?THlubmU=?=,
I created a 12 page form with many tables. Each table has text form fields.
Each page of the form has a table with one row that serves as the header.
This “header table†has six columns and each cell has a text form field in
it. This row is on each of the 12 pages. Once the user types in the required
information, the information fills down to each of the 10 pages.

The user uses the tab key to move between form fields on each page,
including the header table cells. However, when the user tabs in to or out
of the header table cells, the cursor briefly jumps to the very top of the
document and then returns to the next cell.
Did you explicitly set the "header row" to be a header row: Table/Heading rows
repeat? That's the only thing that comes to mind, as otherwise a heading row
should be the same as any other row in a table...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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