weirdness around rules and address books



Recently had to restore from a backup. 'Most everything seems fine, except
when setting rules. When I want to set a rule based on who the message is
from, I get a warning that:

"The address list could not be displayed. The Contacts folder associated
with this address list could not be opened; it may have been moved or
deleted, or you do not have permissions. For information on how to remove
this folder from the Outlook Address Book, see Microsoft Office Outlook

I hit OK and in the "rule address" window I get a completely blank contacts
list. In the "show names from the:" drop-down, it says "contacts" but there's
nothing there. There's another "contacts" option underneath, and when I
choose, my whole address book shows up.

How can I make the warning go away and have it default to the good contact

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