Welcome Page for Project Server


Turki Ben Sumih

Dear Friends,
I'm assigned a task to create a welcome page for project Server.The company
needs that when you type http://myServer; it shows a welcome page then you
click it after that you will be directed to http://myServer/Projectserver. I
did the following:
1. I created a page named greeting.html and put it in the wwwroot.
2. I put greeting.html at the top level in the default website properties
Now when i type http://myserver it gives me http://myserver/default.aspx
instead of http://myserver/greeting.html
I found out that the Sharepoint ISAPI filter takes control of this issue
where it blocks all requests that are not in the managed path. i read an
article to add a new path in the managed path of the sharepoint but when i
add greeting.html it gives me the follwing error:
The Website referenced here is not in the configuration database. !!!!!!!!!!
Could you please help me solving this issue ? Thanks in Advanced.

Ray McCoppin

You need to exclude the site from your managed path, not include. I am not
sure if you cn exclude the root (default web site) from the managed paths. I
have added other sites to project server and excluded them from the managed
paths with no problem.

Turki Ben Sumih

How to exclude the root (Default Web Site) i mean what should i write?

-- Dears,
is there any other solution for my case ! Please help.


Hi PMO Specialist --

Why not use the top-level SharePoint site that already exists
(http://myserver/default.aspx) for your welcome page?

You may need to grant access to the site for all of the users, but this
shouldn't be tough to do. I've seen this done by simply adding an
Active Directory group (which contains all of the users) to the list of
users who can access the site.

You can put links to PWA, as well as other EPM-related sites, on this
site's home page. You can also put general EPM materials there
(training slides, user guides, etc.)... everything related to EPM would
be in one place.

Good luck!

Tony Zink

Turki Ben Sumih

-- Dear Tonyzink,
Thank you so much for your solution and i will show it to my management to
accecpt it.

-- Dears is there any other solution i can do it ?

Turki Ben Sumih

Can anybody help me to find a solution to my issue.
Thanks in advance

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