What Access function would = the folllowing from Excel: =MID(H31,1,FIND(",",H31)+5)



Access does not seem to have FIND function. I need to capture Last
Name + Comma + First 4 Characters of First name. In the Mid function
since last names are variable length, I need to determine the location
of the comma within the field, then capture from 1 to Comma plus 5

This works in Excel, and I updated Access to read as follows:


Access does not like FIND though

Jerry Whittle

In Access it's Instr().

Debug.Print Left("Whittle, Jerry",Instr("Whittle, Jerry",",")+ 5)

Bill Edwards

=left([Name], instr(1,[Name],",") + 5)

By the way it is bad practise to name a field or variable NAME
It is also bad practise to have a field that contains both lastname and

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