What are Floating headers..Urgent please



When i see the View-Insert header, i am able to insert the header and
footer.. all fine
But waht are Floating headers .. I happen to see this mantioned in many
articles , but precise refrence to waht it means.. or what it does (or
supposed to do)..when is it advisable to use the Floating hears etc..

Word-Help is not getting me anywhere..
Please help
Any help is great help
Thank you all in advance


Sorry, I have no idea what a "floating" header is - the fact that it is a
true Header precludes its floating. I *have*, however, seen reference to the
Header & Footer Toolbar as "floating" (i.e., "Floating Header and Footer
Toolbar") - perhaps that's what's misleading.

Otherwise, cite a specific article or two & perhaps someone can better
answer if they can see it in context.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Graham Mayor

As has already been suggested it is the toolbar that 'floats' rather than
the header/footer.
It refers to the toolbar that appears when you click view > header and
footer. This 'floats' inasmuch as it is not parked in the toolbar area at
the top of the Word screen.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Deepa said:
Here is the refrence article
Link :1 http://spider.georgetowncollege.edu/T3/wsr/csc120/headfootxp.htm
To Create a Header or Footer
Choose View Header and Footer
......also visible is the floating Header and Footer Toolbar

Link : 2

Inserting a header and footer 1.
.......floating Header and Footer toolbar is visible
thank you

You ARE confused. It's not the Header in the document that is floating -
it's the TOOLBAR. In other words the Header/Footer toolbar can be
positioned anywhere you like by dragging it.

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