what are the disadvantages of spreadsheets ?



I need to know the advantages and disadvantages of spreadsheets for a project
O am doing.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Niek Otten

But the labor cost for calculating 100,000 cells is about .0000001% compared
to the paper and pencil approach

Niek Otten

Please tell us a bit more about your project, so we can give somewhat more
helpful comments.


No need for excessive rudeness, a simple "We won't do your homework for you"
would probably have sufficed.

In the meantime, I agree with Bill Sharpe; the context of the question must
be explained also: as compared to what. The advantage of a spreadsheet over
an apple is that there are fewer calories in a spreadsheet, and absolutely no
carbs or trans-fats.

But if you want to compare to databases, word processors, calculator
programs, or graphic composition tools, then you need to say so.

David Biddulph

The clarification question was asked (by Niek Otten) early in the thread
when it started in December 2005, but the OP didn't reply so he presumably
wasn't very interested then, and he's presumably even less interested more
than 4 years later.

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