What are those symbols on the calendar?


Dave Hejde

When I look at my Outlook 2002 calendar in day/week/month
view, some of the appointments shown on their 'day' have
little symbols displayed beside the appointment name.
Examples: two arrows that are connected head to tail to
form a little circle, a small bell (=reminder?), an arrow
circle w a slash through it.
Can someone tell me what these little symbols signify?
How about a reference that describes and defines them?
I've tried several Help searches and searched MS produst
Thanks for the help. Dave

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

As far as I know there isn't a reference anywhere but you'll find a lot of
them scattered in books and articles.

1. Arrows connected head to tail: recurring appointment
2. Small bell : reminder
3. Padlock - Private appointment
4. Two heads: Meeting
5. Circle with a slash through it: Probably an exception to a recurring

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***

Kasey Quanrud [MS]

Two Heads: Indicates this is a Meeting Item (No icon means it's an
Two circluar arrows: Indicates the item is recurring
Two circular arrows with a line through them: Indicates this item is an
exception to a recurring series
Little Bell: Indicates a reminder is associated with this item
People sitting around a table(Looks like a crown to me): Indicates a Meeting
Workspace is associated with this item. (Only Outlook 2003)

Hope that helps,

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