What are XML "data stores" and "bindings" in Word 2007?



I am reviewing the list of "Features Impacted by Compatibility Mode" (at this
http://technet2.microsoft.com/Offic...67e6-4948-9e76-81fce661210e1033.mspx?mfr=true )

Under Word, it mentions:
Custom XML Data store: New to the Open XML Formats, custom-defined XML
information can be stored as a separate component within the Open XML
Formats, to help organizations include content from their own data sources,
using their own languages............The XML data store is removed during
conversion, and XML data and content within XML bindings are permanently
converted to text.

I have searched microsoft.com, as well as "Help" within Word 2007, and I
can't find anything that uses the terms "Custom XML Data Store" or "XML

Can someone please translate these for me, and tell me what feature(s) the
resource kit article is really referring to?


Jay Freedman

I am reviewing the list of "Features Impacted by Compatibility Mode" (at this
http://technet2.microsoft.com/Offic...67e6-4948-9e76-81fce661210e1033.mspx?mfr=true )

Under Word, it mentions:
Custom XML Data store: New to the Open XML Formats, custom-defined XML
information can be stored as a separate component within the Open XML
Formats, to help organizations include content from their own data sources,
using their own languages............The XML data store is removed during
conversion, and XML data and content within XML bindings are permanently
converted to text.

I have searched microsoft.com, as well as "Help" within Word 2007, and I
can't find anything that uses the terms "Custom XML Data Store" or "XML

Can someone please translate these for me, and tell me what feature(s) the
resource kit article is really referring to?


If you look a couple of pages earlier in that same tech reference,
you'll see that an Office 2007-format file is really a zip file containing a
group of XML files. It's possible to add a "custom XML part" to that group, and
then it's also possible to "bind" (associate) things in the visible document --
properties and content controls -- to the nodes in that XML part.

To do this, you need a pretty good slug of VBA expertise. Or you can use the
tool that MVP Greg Maxey makes available at

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