What can I get from the AD


Colin S.

The code at the bottom is able to pull information back from the AD
about the current user. I need more, but dont know what else I can
request. Is there a way I can list the properties available to me?
I've tried adding this:

For Each Item In objUser
Debug.Print objUser.Item

But the macro skipped right over it. Any idea?



Sub GetADinfo()

Dim objSysinfo As Object
Dim objUser As Object

Dim strUser As String 'Distinguished Name

Set objSysinfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUser = objSysinfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)

debug.print objUser.get("Title")
debug.print objUser.get("department")
debug.print objUser.get("telephonenumber")
debug.print LCase(objUser.get("mail"))

End Sub

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