What causes a mail merge to have a dialog or data base engine fai.


Jerry H

I have created several "forms" for my company that uses a mail merge data
base. When I begin a new document with these forms, the data base is already
attached to the form, but I cannot edit the data base. Word returns the
followin dialog box: "This operation cannot be completed becasue of dialog or
data base engine failiure. Please try again later." Does anyone know how to
fix this or had the same problem?

Peter Jamieson

What type of database are you using, and which version of Word (or Office)?

Peter Jamieson

Jerry H

I am using Office 2003 and I think the database that has been created by the
"mail merge" in Word is an Access data base. It's extention is .mdb. Thanks.

Peter Jamieson

In that situation I would say this message is unusual - normally, the
connection is made without problems. At this point I suggest you look at the
following KB article:

"Operation could not be completed because of dialog or database engine
failure" error message when you try to perform a mail merge"


Other than that, I would probably look at:
a. where you are saving your .mdb files. If it's over a netowrk, there
could be problems re-opening them
b. if Access is being used for other things on your system, it's possible
that default settings are interfering with your ability to re-open .mdb
files, e.g. if Access Workgroup Security has been set up on your system and
the user called "admin" has been renamed or had its rights reduced. (I'm not
sure that can happen, just saying that I'd have to go and proove to myself
that it couldn't).

Peter Jamieson

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