What determines a red resource in resource usage view?



I have several resources that are showing "red" for overallocated in the
Resource Usage view. The standard calendar and working time show a 40 hour
work week. However, the resources in question only show work allocated to
them in the 18 to 25 hours per week. But they still show as overallocated.
Compounding my concern is that other resources with similar -or less - work
assignments do not show as overallocated.
All resources are 100% to all tasks.

Jim Aksel

Look at the Resource Usage View which will show you where the resources are
spending their time. You may need to change the time scale for it to show

My thought is that you have the resource assigned to more than one task
during the same time period. If I assign Resource A to three tasks, each of
25 hours per week there is no one task that is overloaded .... but Resource A
is being asked to work 75 hours that week (assuming all three of the tasks
are assigned to start/finsih in that one week). Hope that helps

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