What did they do to links in XL2007??


Ed from AZ

I've had a workbook created in XL2000 and carried through 2003 with
links between two worksheets in the same workbook. Now I'm in XL2007
with the same workbook. We open it every 2 weeks, update some
numbers, recalculate to update the links, and send it out.

Last week, something blew up. (I traced it back to the SaveAs code in
a macro; thanks to Ron DeBruin, that is now fixed!) Now my links
don't work right.

The links are to single-cell named ranges. If I go to the worksheet
containing the range and type in:
I get the right value. But if I go to a different worksheet - where
the link already exists in a table - and type it in, I get the value
in the table. The drop-down menu that pops up when you begin typing
the names lists the the name twice - once as (Workbook) and once as
(Worksheet) - but only for the linked names, not all of the names.
It's almost as if Excel is seeing the previous formula with the name
as the named range.

I finally got all the links to update and show the correct values by
doing a Replace All down the column and changing all the =PB to

Can anyone help me make sense of all of this?


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