What did you learn this week?


JoAnn Amerson

I tell my grandniece she needs to learn somehting new every day.........What
did you learn about Publisher this week?

John G

One of my grandchildren was taken to an Observatory.
Later he told his mother "Grandad said You should learn some thing new each
day and I think I have learnt enough for 2 weeks".


Ilya MS has removed more quality features from Publisher versions over time
than it has added up till Pub2003.

Just look at all the *awesome* defaults we had up to Publisher 97 - all
removed. That is nothing short of bizarre, a program without any defaults.
Publisher 2003 has no defaults and will only be getting some by a user done
VBA add-in. If every basic word processor on the market has defaults, why
not Publisher!!!



Ilya Pub2003 with the add-in to have defaults, provided the add-in is up to
standard and functions well and easily, will be the best version of
Publisher since Pub 97, and with the features Pub2003 has, will put it on
the top of the pile.

What I do find surprising in Pub2003 is the lack of attention to detail that
have produced inconsistencies. Possibly not a lot of people will notice
them, as generally today lack of attention to detail is a worldwide
widespread problem.



Ilya somebody else will have to answer that question for you, as I avoid
using MS Word as much as possible - which is seldom.

I prefer to use more sophisticated word processing tools, and then import
the unformatted text into Publisher, and then format from within Publisher.

I cannot understand people that setup the document in Word and then want to
import it into Publisher. With the problems that people experience carrying
over formatting and the pain, it is just not for me. Overall, I am sure my
way is quicker and less frustrating.


Ed Bennett

Whilst attempting to develop brick-based storage technology, Ed reads a
message from ilyaz said:
I sure agree with you on advantage of formatting in Publisher. That
what I do. But I use Word because of Endnote option. All the rest of
formatting is done in the Publisher. It's quick and easy.

But if the endnotes don't come over from Word properly, why?
It's not difficult to do endnotes in Publisher, you just can't have the
automatic version that Word has.

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