What do I base my form on?



Hi. I am trying to figure out how to do something a bit
different in addition to what I have already.

My animal therapy organization has Individuals and
Animals, which are linked together through
Certifications. Many to Many- an Individual can certify
every 2 years with many Animals, so can the Animals.

Once certified the Team can volunteer. I have
Organizations that can have many Volunteer Opportunities.
These Volunteer Opportunities have Shifts. If a Team
volunteers, they can earn "Bucks" which I assign to
Shifts. The Volunteer Opportunites are assinged to the
Individual (with a pull down to choose the Animal).

All works great, thanks to many of you! I'd also like to
assign an Individual "Bucks" without having to create a
Volunteer Opportunity. For example, an Individual may
work one hour a week in the office and earn one "Buck"
each time. Because Volunteer Opportunities are assigned
to Individuals based on date, and becasue "Bucks" are
assigned at the Shift level, I'd have to create a new
Volunteer Opportunity (date) and create a Shift to
assign "Bucks". What a hassle! Unfortunately, I've yet
been able to design a form that would simplify the process.

I appreciate your efforts! Please let me know if you have
any design suggestions. Thanks, Stephanie

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