What do I have??



I purchased a 3 cd set of Office 2000 Professional. It's
in a wrapper and is original hologram Microsoft ...but
says on face "Not for retail or OEM distribution". I
assume this is the full version of Office...my guess is
this is acedemic. Is it okay to resell to someone else??
And is there a way of telling if this is the full version
of Office (Word, Excell, Publisher, Powerpoint, and


Duhawk said:
I purchased a 3 cd set of Office 2000 Professional. It's
in a wrapper and is original hologram Microsoft ...but
says on face "Not for retail or OEM distribution". I
assume this is the full version of Office...my guess is
this is acedemic. Is it okay to resell to someone else??
And is there a way of telling if this is the full version
of Office (Word, Excell, Publisher, Powerpoint, and

An Academic licence would be marked as such - what you (probably) have is a
'corporate' or volume licence - so, really you have no licence at all, as
it's licensed to a particular company, i.e. not you.

Office 2000 Pro contained

Small Business Tools

Small Business and Premium were the only versions to include Publisher (the
latter also included Photo Draw).

Where did you purchase this 'licence'? If it was eBay, or any other auction
site, then report the seller immediately - they are in violation of both
eBay's - and PayPal's - AUP.


Duhawk said:
I purchased a 3 cd set of Office 2000 Professional. It's
in a wrapper and is original hologram Microsoft ...but
says on face "Not for retail or OEM distribution". I
assume this is the full version of Office...my guess is
this is acedemic. Is it okay to resell to someone else??
And is there a way of telling if this is the full version
of Office (Word, Excell, Publisher, Powerpoint, and

The key is the phrase "Not for retail or OEM distribution", No you can't
legally re-sell it!


-----Original Message-----

An Academic licence would be marked as such - what you (probably) have is a
'corporate' or volume licence - so, really you have no licence at all, as
it's licensed to a particular company, i.e. not you.

Office 2000 Pro contained

Small Business Tools

Small Business and Premium were the only versions to include Publisher (the
latter also included Photo Draw).

Where did you purchase this 'licence'? If it was eBay, or any other auction
site, then report the seller immediately - they are in violation of both
eBay's - and PayPal's - AUP.

Not Ebay...I purchased it from a friend of mine who
received it from the University he graduated from. They
offered it to him for a real small fee upon
graduation...he didn't need it since his wife had XP

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