What do I need to use to be able to do this?



I want to be able to automate some of our basic office processes but I'm not
sure which application(s) I need to use and whether or not it is indeed
possible to do in MSOffice anyway so I was wondering if somebody out there
would be able to help?

My working hours are fairly erratic and I often lose track of where I am
with a customer file. As an example of the sort of thing I'd like to do,
when I send out a new contract (or renewal) to a customer the process goes
like this:

1) print off contract + associated letter etc

2) send contract to customer

3) about a week later check whether we've received a signed copy back

4) if not - send chasing letter (or email or make phone call) and repeat
from 3)

5) if yes - return our signed copy plus invoice

6) about a fortnight later check whether we've received payment

7) if not - send chasing letter (or email or make phone call) and repeat
from 6)

8) if yes - diary in for next year and stop.

I normally start the process about 6 weeks before the customer's contract
runs out to leave time for changes that need to be made and supposedly have
received payment from them. I'm sure this is the sort of thing you would use
Goldmine or SAP for(?), but we're only a very small family business and think
either of those would be overkill!

Is it possible to synchronise Outlook and Word in this way or is there
something else in the Office Suite I can use?

Hope this make sense, and many thanks if anyone can help!


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