What Do I Work on Today?


Daniel Jameson


Our PMO is taking a half-@$$ed approach to implementing MS Project files (MS
Project 2007 SP1). We have at least a dozen projects in progress, each with
its own isolated project file. Most team members are in one or two project
files. However, I'm in most of them, with critical path tasks. The one
real trouble I am having is figuring out what I'm supposed to be working on
this week. As far as I can tell, I have to go into each and every file,
filter the resources column down to my name, and then look at every task
line item to see if the date range includes this week.

Is there a way to get, at least in one file at a time, a report, or
calendar, that says for a specific resource which tasks have a date range
that includes today (or any specific date) and the associated amount of work
hours for that task?

Thank you,

Daniel Jameson
SQL Server DBA
Children's Oncology Group

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Daniel,

Insert all your projects in one window :
Open all your ptojects : Window / New window and select all your projects
The consolidated window must share the resources with all the subprojects :
Tools / Resource Sharing / Share resources... and select a file which
contains all the resources
Than activate the filter: "Using Resources in Date Range..."

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret


Daniel said:

Our PMO is taking a half-@$$ed approach to implementing MS Project files (MS
Project 2007 SP1). We have at least a dozen projects in progress, each with
its own isolated project file. Most team members are in one or two project
files. However, I'm in most of them, with critical path tasks. The one
real trouble I am having is figuring out what I'm supposed to be working on
this week. As far as I can tell, I have to go into each and every file,
filter the resources column down to my name, and then look at every task
line item to see if the date range includes this week.

Is there a way to get, at least in one file at a time, a report, or
calendar, that says for a specific resource which tasks have a date range
that includes today (or any specific date) and the associated amount of work
hours for that task?

This isn't really a Project question. Is it really the case that every
single resource has to go into the project files to know what they
should be working on?

I suggest that rather than find a technical solution to this (which
Gerard has given) you try and sort out the internal management issues.

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