What do we need?



Hi there - just looking for some advice. I've read everything but I'm still

5-7 project managers
roughly 75 people, mostly not staff therefore access via general IE, who
would work on projects from outside the office
Have Sharepoint services and most of our projects involve documents,
editing, reviewing, version control - all that doc. management stuff.

Create a web page that combines document collaboration and project
management to internal and external users.

* Project server
**Project Pro for each project manager as well as the boss to view project
status by 'dashboard' view
* A client access licence for each of the internal and external people
working on the projects. And I believe the Project Server comes with 5 of
these licenses

The Questions!
1) Am I correct so far? If not, please clarify
2) Do I need Project Web Access? This is another program? Is this a
separate purchase or is it included with the CAL or something else? Do I
need multiple licenses for this too?
3) Do I need Project Server External Connector? Is this another program?
Is this a separate purchase or is it included with the Project Server or
something else? Do I need multiple licenses for this too?
4) Is it difficult to combine Project & Sharepoint services?
5) Could we have a Sharepoint page, with a personalized page for each user
and a calendar with notation of their specific tasks - project managers would
see all project tasks for their projects.
6) Any other good ideas out there?

Thanks so much!

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

1) Am I correct so far? If not, please clarify
Mostly but you may not need the copy of PRO for the big boss, unless that
person is also managing schedules.
2) Do I need Project Web Access? This is another program? Is this a
separate purchase or is it included with the CAL or something else? Do I
need multiple licenses for this too?
The CALs you're buying are for accessing Project Web Access, which is the
web interface to Project Server, so you definitely need and want this.
3) Do I need Project Server External Connector? Is this another program?
Is this a separate purchase or is it included with the Project Server or
something else? Do I need multiple licenses for this too?
It depends on how you deploy the software, most likely not.
4) Is it difficult to combine Project & Sharepoint services?
Project and WSS are integrated out of the box however you can deploy Project
Server 2003 without WSS. When you get to 2007, the two are inseparable.
Project Web Access 2007 *is* a SharePoint application
5) Could we have a Sharepoint page, with a personalized page for each
and a calendar with notation of their specific tasks - project managers
see all project tasks for their projects.
I think you want to look at Project Web Access before you contemplate custom
development. PWA provides the features you mention to some extent or
6) Any other good ideas out there?
Get a partner to do a demo for you or consider the following offer:
http://www.projecthosts.com/ for a free trial.

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