What do you do with yours...........


David Cleland


having read a number of posts on this group that are in the line "onenote is
not....." or a few onenote bashing threads.... I have decided to post and
ask a very simple question.

What do you use onenote for ?

The reason I ask is I see onenote as a great product with lots of
potentional !!! I can not wait for futher releases but why not all post and
discuss the situations in which we all use Onenote. This may lead to a
source of inspiration for other users.

For example I interviewed 25 people yesterday and took notes in onenote, I
made one adjustments to the nib size as the smallest pen was too large - I
think I am 0.1 now.

At the end of this marathon session I clicked email and emailed the notes to
two other staff who do not use onenote. It worked a treat! A real file and



I keep links to stray files and important dates I have to remember for the
semester.... track 11 dissertation students and their plans, drafts, tasks,
and progress.... take and organize notes for meetings I attend.... organize
information on meetings with advisees and their grades, contact info, and
current work/training placement.... and store stray files and emails that I
want to save but not have to hunt for...


For students, I drop all the files in one directory per student with whatever
name the student gives the file--which invariably ends up being somelike
"draft.doc"-- and create *hyperlinks* in OneNote (like "KB September Proposal
Draft 1", "LR Permission to use Survey") with the most recent versions of
everything at the top of the page for quick reference, and the older version
links below. Or a list of everyone I have to write rec letters for and links
to the documents (vita, essays, etc) they've sent me.

For other things, I put the actual *screen clips* or *text* of web pages
that tell me my account information and how to change my settings into a
special tab in OneNote, or emails from my boss or IT on something broken or
new or now password protected....

I could store them all in some kind of folder with long descriptive
filenames I guess, but this seems more organized to have things all on one

David Cleland

"draft.doc"-- and create *hyperlinks* in OneNote (like "KB September
Draft 1", "LR Permission to use Survey") with the most recent versions of
everything at the top of the page for quick reference, and the older

cool. I have actually decided that onenote is an ace DTP application. You
can drag and drop things anywhere on the page.

I love it


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