What does compatabity mode mean?



I recently reloaded office 07. Now an excel spreadsheet I am working on has
(shared) and (compatabilty mode) in the title bar. I can't find any
explanation of what this means. Is it possibly causing the problems I am
experiencing eg most functions under 'insert' greyed out eg pivot tables etc.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Madsalmon,
I recently reloaded office 07. Now an excel spreadsheet I am working on has
(shared) and (compatabilty mode) in the title bar. I can't find any
explanation of what this means. Is it possibly causing the problems I am
experiencing eg most functions under 'insert' greyed out eg pivot tables etc.

Compatibility mode is what Excel 2007 enters as soon as you open an "old" Excel
file. It ensures your file stays within the old fileformats boundaries
regarding for example the number of rows and columns.

Shared means the workbook is in shared mode and theoretically more than one
user can edit the file (which I do not recommend you to do!).


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

Roger Govier


This means that the workbook was created under an earlier version of Excel.
Having loaded the file, clcik the round Office button>Save as> choose and
xlsx file if there are no macros involved, or an xlsm file if you have

Close, the file then re-open.

JR Hester

It is also possible to install Office 07 in a compatablity mode so that all
the default is for files to be created in the XLS format so that they are
compatible with the earlier versions of office applications.


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