Is this in the Click event procedure of a command button?
Or in VBA code that's operating on a recordset?
Or in the AfterDelConfirm event of a form?
Or just when navigating a form?
Is it a split form?
Has a record been deleted?
(There are bugs in A2007 in the way it handles split forms after a
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Bob Vance said:
Either the BOF is True,or the current record has beeen deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record!
Sorry Allen, I get the picture!
It is a split form (subform) when i delete all records and try to start my
firsy record(Invoice) my subform will not appear and nor does my clientID
unless in click the arror on the combo box to show it. So basically its just
trying to get my first record to work . If i have 1 record it is not a
problem.........Regards Bob