What = extract text > college database PDF/dissertations? TTS



What software will extract text from PDF's like Adobe Reader. For example
with the university of phoenix online library database subscriptions (many
diffrent databases of texts serving as a library for the college ONLINE)....
most of the documents which are avalible in FULL TEXT are Locked; meaning
that the pages of the origional document were scanned as a picture, or
atleast that the text cannot be simply copied and pasted from the document
for copyright protection purpose. My delimma is that I need to copy the plain
text from the documents for the text to be read by my text to speech reader
software (the version I have uses ATT natural voices 16k versions which
sounds almost human, and much much better than the built in TTS reader of


What software will extract text from PDF's like Adobe Reader to be read by my text to speech readersoftware

Crossposter ?

You need something to OCR the PDF.

Adobe Acrobat would accomplish this.
PaperPort with OmniPage would accomplish this (right click on a file
and select "Copy Text").

There must be other cheaper solutions though.
Probably ideally, you want to turn the image PDF to a searchable PDF
(via OCR) and have your text 2 speech software read the .pdf file.


I am not sure how *well* it would work, but you could print the document to
OneNote, wait for it to be indexed, then go to the note and "copy text in
this (or all) page of printout", paste it into a text file and run the speech
to text.

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