What font style uses the least amount of ink?


Anne Troy

Interesting question. Off the top of my head, and without looking at all the
fonts, I'd say the most common one that would use the least amount of ink is
probably times new roman.
**** Hope it helps! ****

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I would say that it is definitely NOT New Times Roman.

Most likely, I would lean towards Arial, Century Gothic,
or Helvetica.

Century Gothic is probably the most efficient in terms of
brush strokes, but it is a little larger than other fonts
by nature.

Arial and Helvetica are very similar and have more compact
brush techniques in their letter style.

Simplex and Monotext are also efficient fonts, but very
blocky and rarely used.

Dayo Mitchell

If the aim is to save ink and have to buy less cartridges, another approach
would be investigate the printer settings--many have a "draft" setting,
which usually prints out lightly.

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