what formula do i need to calculate a persons age



using todays date what formula do i use to calculate a person age using their
date of birth

Muhammed Rafeek M

enter date of birth in a cell ( ex A1: 05/24/1980)

after that select cell B1 and go format cell - > Number - > General

pls do rate......

Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


The problem with the formula that Muhammed Rafeek M gave you is that is does
not take into account that the person's birthday has not occurred yet this
year. EX: Today is 9/19/06 and person's DOB is 11/1/96. Muhammed's formula
will indicate person's age as 10 years old instead of 9. I don't know what
the exact formula is, but wanted to point that out to you.


David Biddulph

enter date of birth in a cell ( ex A1: 05/24/1980)

after that select cell B1 and go format cell - > Number - > General

pls do rate......

That wouldn't agree with the normal definition of age, in whole numbers of
years, but would instead give the age that will be attained during the
current year.

Instead, try =DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"Y")

Bill Ridgeway

Try the formula -
=(TODAY()-A1)/365 (where the date of birth is in A1)
It is not absolutely accurate as it does not take account of leap years but
may be good enough.


Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions

David McRitchie

Why do you throw up a solution that you KNOW to be absolutely incorrect.

Not only is it incorrect but correct solutions have been posted
almost an hour before yours. If you are a company, that
certainly is not good advertising.

Bill Ridgeway

David Ritchie wrote <<Why do you throw up a solution that you KNOW to be
absolutely incorrect.>> There may be more than one answer to a question. I
didn't suggest that this was absolutely correct and it is for the enquirer
to judge for himself if absolute correctness is what is required.

You also wrote <<correct solutions have been posted almost an hour before
yours>> This isn't a race. The time and date stamp is correct only if the
system clock of the source computer is correct.

Most people contribute to this NewsGroup for the satisfaction of helping
others. Your attitude is no help! By the way I would remind you that the
initials after your name are MVP not GOD!


Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions

James Silverton

Hello, Bill!
You wrote on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 18:18:01 +0100:

This has been an interesting discussion of what is an irritating
problem because there is no HELP entry as there should be. There
is a good discussion at

I was rather taken with Pearson's description:

DATEDIF has, for whatever reason, been treated as one of the
drunk cousins of the Function Family. Excel knows he lives a
happy and useful existence, and will acknowledge his existence
when you ask, but will never mention him in "polite"

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:


using todays date what formula do i use to calculate a person age using their
date of birth

The complete formula is

=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"Y")&" years "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"YM")&" months
"&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"MD")&" days"

You can trim the formula to suit your needs to give only x years or x years y
months or have the full formula give you x tears y months z days.

There is a minor error in leap years for people born on 28th February - the
formula assumes that the DOB is 1st March.

Bill Ridgeway


You admit to <<a minor error>> in your solution. Presumably you have seen
David Ritchie's response to my solution in this very thread when I offered
(and also admitted to) an imperfect solution.

Beware of perfectionists!


Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions


The complete formula is

=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"Y")&" years "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"YM")&" months
"&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"MD")&" days"

You can trim the formula to suit your needs to give only x years or x years y
months or have the full formula give you x tears y months z days.

There is a minor error in leap years for people born on 28th February - the
formula assumes that the DOB is 1st March.

Correction - the minor error arises if the person is born on 29th February i.e.
born in a leap year. The formula is correct for leap years but assumes that
the DOB is 1st March in non leap years.

There was some argument when this was last discussed if this really was an
error. The purists argued that people born on 29th February only have a
birthday every 4 years whereas the counter argument said that they have
birthdays on 29th February in leap years and 1st March in non leap years.

Since I wasn't born, or know anyone who was born, on 29th February I have no
direct knowledge how people in this predicament handle their birthdays. However,
I would subscribe to the birthday each year rather than one every 4 years,
particularly for a child.

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