What function or formula do I use to calculate ROI with this data?



I have the following data and I want to calculate my investment Rate of
Return or lack thereof.

I have three pieces on data:

1. the beginning amount of money $10,000
2. the total of the equal monthly contributions $12,000
- (each month I contributed $1,000)
3. the ending value of $22,000.

So the data is $10,000, $12,000, $22,000

So I want to figure out the compounded percentage rate.

Does Excel have a function for that?


Ron Rosenfeld

I have the following data and I want to calculate my investment Rate of
Return or lack thereof.

I have three pieces on data:

1. the beginning amount of money $10,000
2. the total of the equal monthly contributions $12,000
- (each month I contributed $1,000)
3. the ending value of $22,000.

So the data is $10,000, $12,000, $22,000

So I want to figure out the compounded percentage rate.

Does Excel have a function for that?


You don't need Excel for this.

Assuming you start with $10K, add $12K and wind up with $22K, your roi is zero



Bad example on my part;

Assume $10,000 to start, $12,000 in $1,000 payment each month, final number


N Harkawat


Dave said:
Bad example on my part;

Assume $10,000 to start, $12,000 in $1,000 payment each month, final number


Ron Rosenfeld

Bad example on my part;

Assume $10,000 to start, $12,000 in $1,000 payment each month, final number

Use the RATE function. But be aware the result is the interest rate per
period. Since you want the interest rate per year, and the periods are
monthly, you should multiply the result by 12.



I am sorry I am still struggling with this. If I enter no minus, I get an

My Scenario

Beginning amount = $10,000
12 monthly payments of $1,000
Ending value of $30,000

So where does the information get plugged in and which has to be negative

Here is what was sent =RATE(12,-1000,-12000,30000)

Where does the beginning value of $10,000 go and is it expressed as a
positive or negative number?
Is the monthly contribution expressed as a negative number and where does
that go?

Sorry if I appear slow.


Myrna Larson

The example you were given has a typo. Replace the -12000 with -10000.

In general, you can consider money that leaves your pocket (even to deposit in
a bank savings account) is negative. Money that goes back into your pocket
(when you withdraw something from that savings account) is positive.

Or you can look at it from the bank's perspective, in which case just reverse
the signs.


Thanks that helps!!

Myrna Larson said:
The example you were given has a typo. Replace the -12000 with -10000.

In general, you can consider money that leaves your pocket (even to
deposit in
a bank savings account) is negative. Money that goes back into your pocket
(when you withdraw something from that savings account) is positive.

Or you can look at it from the bank's perspective, in which case just
the signs.

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