Hi medtran,
It's certainly a feature request (retain the tooltips) that was asked for both during the beta testing and since, but so far, no
indication that it will be restored in this version; maybe next.

Both MS Live search and Google are now using live (as you type)
'query suggestions' so perhaps it's a case of changing over to a different set of 'innards' for the feature.
If you have a retail edition of Office 2007 there is a 45-day money back guarantee from Microsoft if you have the previous version
to reinstall.
There are also a number of 3rd party software utilities that can store resuable data that will show tooltips and allow you to insert
text and can work both in Word and throughout other Windows programs as well, if needed.
Thanks Bob,
But like I told Suzanne, I need to be able to see what address is going to
pop up or what phrase I am using, as I have a lot that are very similar, yet
different depending on the dictation I am doing. If they don't show a
portion of it like it did with the old Auto Text/Auto Complete function, then
I am up a creek. I am not overly computer savy, but I had been able to use
the old system to my advantange doing my present job. Those functions were a
very integral part of performing my job to the utmost proficiency. I can't
even really figure out the new Building Blocks section and have bought a
couple different books on Word 2007, but there are always questions that are
never answered in the book.
I do appreciate you answering my post though, thanks again.<<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*