What happened to the language section?


Samantha F.

So I just downloaded MS office 2004 version 11.2 for macs. When I initially
created word documents I had the option of setting a language to write the
document in, under the "tools" section. After my first word document, this
bar has since disappeared and I cannot find it anywhere (it sounds
ridiculous, I know). I tried searching for the lost tab, and I even
re-installed my office program on my computer (MacBook-- OS X ver 10.4.7).
Could someone possibly shed some light on this for me? Thanks a lot.

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Samantha,

Make sure you didn't accidentally turn on "Word 5.1 Menus". Look under View
to see if there's a check next to that option. Uncheck it. It should vanish,
and Tools | Language should reappear, along with a bunch of other stuff.

If that doesn't fix the problem, please post again on the dedicated Word for
Mac newsgroup. This group is very crowded and the few Mac users here could
easily miss your question, which would not happen in the MacWord group.

See here for Google/Entourage gateway to newsgroups for MacWord, MacExcel,
and other MS programs for the Mac:

Bookmark for future questions even if you don't need follow up now.

By the way, reinstalling rarely fixes anything in MacWord.

Samantha F.

Thanks, Daiya, this was exactly what happend. I appreciate your advice.


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