What have I done wrong? (for detail disappears)


Louie Warren

I was working along in Access 2000 and making quite a long
form. I swapped from design view to see how what I had
done looked and all that displayed was the header. The
long detail section was gone. It's still there in design,
but gone in normal. What have I done wrong and how can I
fix it? Thanx,


Timothy C. Doherty

Your recordsource is not returning any records. Double-check your
recordsource to make sure it's valid and returning records...

Louie Warren

No... it was working until I added more fields. I'm not
just seeing blank fields... I am seeing NO fields... just
the background. They are there in design view and not
there in normal view. I believe I have reached an Access
limitation. More as I find out.

Dirk Goldgar

Louie Warren said:
No... it was working until I added more fields. I'm not
just seeing blank fields... I am seeing NO fields... just
the background. They are there in design view and not
there in normal view. I believe I have reached an Access
limitation. More as I find out.

How many fields have you got? I haven't seen this sort of thing as a
result of having too many fields, but rather as a result of having no
records returned from a recordsource that is not updatable. If you
added fields to your form's recordsource by bringing in another table,
you may have rendered the query nonupdatable, in which case the form's
detail section will be blank. You can check this by opening the
recordsource query directly as a datasheet and seeing if it displays the
"new row".

Dirk Goldgar

Louie Warren said:
I found that I had dragged my footer down to about 8
inches. When I made it smaller (< .25") everything
reappeared! So, what have we learned today... Header,
Detail, and Footer has a finite amount of space. Breaking
up into multiple forms is probably the way to go. Thanx!

<lol> Well, that's a new one to look out for!

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