What if POwerPoint gets uninstalled AFTER installing a DLL that refers to PowerPoint?


Howard Kaikow

1. I have a VB 6 setup program that checks whether PowerPoint is installed .

If PowerPoint is installed. certain Word macros are included in the Word
template installed, otherwise the macros are omitted. However, the installed
still has references to PowerPoint, tho the code need not be used.

2. All Word macros call code with:

Set clsX = New MyClass

With clsX
.SetClass Application, ActiveDocument, ThisDocument
End With

3. The DLL contains

Private appPPT as PowerPoint.Application

The code in the DLL that uses appPPT might not be invoked by Word.

appPPT has scope of the class just to avoid having to recreate the appPPT
object each
time a procedure that needs PowerPoint is called.

appPPT is not set up in the class initialization code, only in the
procedures that use PowerPoint. And is set up only once in the class.

4. Assume that PowerPoint was installed at the time of installation of the

5. What happens if the user uninstalls PowerPoint after the DLL is

Will .SetClass fail to initialize correctly because PowerPoint is not
installed, so the Private appPPT staement cannot be resolved?

There are no references to appPPT in SetClass.

I have no systems without PowerPoint so cannot verify,

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