What is beige space created when moving layout template borders?



My problem is getting rid of unwanted space on a page. I’m new at this, so,
to be sure we’re on the same track, I must start at the beginning.

I created a website page by starting with a FP layout table template
consisting of two parallel rows separated by three columns. In the top row I
inserted a link bar. In the bottom row I inserted contact and related

I created narrower left and right columns by dragging the blue outlined
boxes to the left and right, and inserted hyper links in the left column,
reserving the right column for other links and advertising. This left the
center column to be adjusted to the narrow left and right columns. I
adjusted the center column by dragging its blue outline to the left. This
left a small beige colored area between the left and center columns, which
seems to have the characteristics of a cell. I couldn’t find any way to get
rid of it, so I left it in place as a space but now haw 4 columns instead of
the original three and a vertical dotted line marking the boundary between
the center and right column.

This left me with a large central column into which I copied text I had
prepared in a previous page with a two column format. The insertion of this
lengthy text drove the bottoms of all columns, and the bottom row down, but
all still nicely contiguous.

However, this made a very long page, which I didn’t like because I don’t
like long scroll-downs. So I created a second and a third page that
incorporated the vertical and horizontal link bars of the first page and the
bottom contact row. I then cut and pasted the excess text from the large
central column into the second and third pages, which went in nicely without
any space problems. I added padding to all three pages, without perceptible

But this left a considerable empty space at the bottom of the vertical
columns of the first page, and I cannot find any way to get rid of it.
Following FPs instructions on deleting a cell, row, or column from a table by
using the Table menu, then Select, then Delete did not produce the desired
result. Doing it cell by cell produced no visible reaction. Selecting the
entire row and then Delete merely doubled the amount of undesired space.
And attempting to change the height of the columns by going into their
Properties produced no reaction whatever.

What did I do wrong?

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