What is considered a long document?



Would the following document attributes qualify the
document as a "long document"?
- 185 pages
- 50 links to Excel worksheets
What should be my concerns with this document?
- data integrity to minimize file corruption?
- response time (ie speed)?
- Other ??

What are my options to correct this:
- use master document with sub-documents?
- Other ????


Chad DeMeyer

Long is a very subjective term, but IMO that is not a very long document,
certainly nothing Word can't handle. But there are factors that can cause

Stay away from master and subdocuments if you value your sanity.
Stay away from File>Versions.
If you're going to need to track changes in the document at some point, that
can affect data integrity to some extent.


Graham Mayor

Word can handle documents of thousands of pages - so yours is arguably a
short document :)

Your main concern should be to ensure that you have backups. Retyping a 185
page document would be a pain :(

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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