What is do terms mean?



What is an Integer? A double? An append query? What is the differenc
between a form/ query/ and table?
Sorry for such basic questions. I am brand spankin new with this stuff

Tom Wickerath

Hi Zena,

May I suggest that you go to your local book store, and purchase any beginner-level Access
book? I'll take a stab at answering these questions, but I think you really would benefit
from having a good printed reference available.

Integer & double refer to data types for fields in a table and variables used in code.

The most common type is a select query. This is used to select records from one or more
tables. The results of running a select query is called a recordset (ie. a set of
records). Note: You can use other select queries as a source of data as well.

Action queries are used to perform actions upon your data. These include Update, Append,
Delete and Make Table queries. Action queries do not return a recordset. Thus, they just
do something, but you won't see a set of records displayed on your monitor. An update
query is used to update existing records. An append query is used to add new records to a
table. A delete query is used to delete records from a table. A make table query is used
to create a new table that includes the selected records.

Tables are used to store data.

Select queries are used to select data from one or more tables. You typically apply
criteria, so that you return a subset of the table's records. Both tables and select
queries can serve as the recordsource (ie. source of records) for forms, data access
pages, and reports.

Forms are used to enter data into tables, and display data from tables or queries on a


What is an Integer? A double? An append query? What is the difference
between a form/ query/ and table?
Sorry for such basic questions. I am brand spankin new with this stuff.

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