What is hard code page numbering?



I received this request to fix the attached document and I don’t have a clue
what she means:

There is a hard code page numbering that needs to be adjusted and put into a
page header.

When I open the Word document, I don't know what to look for much less see
any page numbering (regular or otherwise).

Peter Jamieson

It's just a guess, but I think she means:
a. someone has typed a page number into each page (somewhere). Perhaps
someone typed it into a document prepared using something that does not have
automatic page numbering, in which case it is highly unlikely that the page
numbers will end up on the correct pages.
b. the proper way to number in Word is to put a { PAGE } field in the
header or footer.

However, if you can't see anything that looks like a page number, I'd ignore
(a) and either assume she wants (b) anyway, or ask first.


Hm, thanks! The only page numbering there is a typed-in "Review Page 1", etc.
But it wasn't entered automatically (field), it was simply typed in.

(I forgot to remove 'attached', duh, there's no attachment to this post!)

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