Achille from ITLAY
What is it means if in the TaskManager thare are two process:
[W] test.doc - microsoft word Not Responding
[=]' test.doc - microsoft word Not Respondin
[W] image of session wor
[=]' image of document wor
I use this command per
$word = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Word.Application.8',Quit)
but if there are 2 processes i get the stalemat
Sorry for my english..
Bye bye
[W] test.doc - microsoft word Not Responding
[=]' test.doc - microsoft word Not Respondin
[W] image of session wor
[=]' image of document wor
I use this command per
$word = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Word.Application.8',Quit)
but if there are 2 processes i get the stalemat
Sorry for my english..
Bye bye