What is Microsoft Office Basics 2003? And do I need it?



This program contains 4094.00MB. I would like to remove it from my computer.
Is it needed? It is used rarely and the last time it was used was
01/28/2006. It is taking up more space than all my other programs. I would
like to delete it if it is not necessary to run work or excel. HELP!

JoAnn Paules

Microsoft Office suite containing Word, Excel, and Outlook. Only you know if
you use/need it but if you delete it, you will no longer have those


Helpless said:
This program contains 4094.00MB. I would like to remove it from my
Is it needed? It is used rarely and the last time it was used was
01/28/2006. It is taking up more space than all my other programs. I
like to delete it if it is not necessary to run work or excel. HELP!

4 GB (4094 MB) is very large for an Office suite, even Office Basic will all
installation files. Where exactly is the folder located on the computer's
hard drive (in the root of the drive or in Program Files, under Microsoft
Office or elsewhere? Give the exact path for the folder it is located in.

Have you run full malware scans on the computer with at least two different
programs? I use Spybot and Malwarebytes but there are other good ones out
there that are free.

Post back with the answer to the first question and also look at the folder
in question and see if it contains files with the extension of .cab or what
files are there.

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