What is "Project is Unviewable"?


c mateland

I'm trying to run this simple code to add/load ppa's I have in a local
folder. But I constantly get a message display, "Project is Unviewable"
with the title "Project is Locked". I hit its OK button and it proceeds
to the next file, loads it and repeats the same alert.

After all that, I find it added/loaded the ppa's just fine, but what's
with the alert?

The projects are not locked, and they were all built on my machine
using version 2002, which is the same machine I'm loading them onto.

The ppa's are simple test files with little commands such as msgbox
"Hello, World." in an Auto_Open procedure.

Sub LoadLocalAddins()
Dim sFile As String, sMyPath As String, _
sAddinPth As String
sMyPath = "c:\MyFolder\MyAddins"
sFile = Dir(sMyPath & "\*.ppa")
Do While sFile <> ""
sAddinPth = sMyPath & "\" & sFile
Application.AddIns.Add(sAddinPth).Loaded = msoTrue
sFile = Dir()
End Sub

c mateland

FWIW, I find now this only happens when I'm stepping through the code.
When I run it normally, I don't get the mysterious alert.

Any reasons for that?

c mateland

Steve said:
Are the addins you're trying to load from a later version of PPT or are they
password protected?

No, they're all build fresh on this machine (v2002) and being loaded
here as well. And they are simple test addins that maybe just have a
msgbox on auto open. And not are protected.

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