C. Pech
I want to tranfer ALL me email and addresses from MS 2000 to New PC with Windows 2000 on it.
I want to transfer all my email files, and subfolders, addresses and all others things I have in current PC from MS Outlook 2000 to my new PC I am buying. I note there is a giant PST file taking ups space for years, but what do I do with that? Do I have to lose all my incomming and stored email messages and curse the darkness or is that pst file good for something
Outlook 2000 Help says to download tools to handle the pst from Office on the Web. Why? Why? Where , where? Where are these mysterious tools that let me handle pst. Is pst something for MS Moscow HQ to peek into? It just sits there. Where are these pst handling tools
I know how to transfer address using DOS primative "import and export" that reduces you to stone age DOS formats: you get a comma separated, Lotus! or Excel file. Why I can not use import and export to transfer my inatct email and address to a new PC or say, my Laptop, is baffling except that it must serve dark MS' needs
For years I have tried to get information on pst file that I am constantly archiving. I have no idea how to use this or what it is for. Help directs me to the Outlook page on the WEB!!! That is how bad it is. Maybe MS does not know either. My purchased Books on Outlook do not cover. Why? Why? The authors must be as confused as I am. Do you know of any good reference book I can buy on this
C. Pech
I want to transfer all my email files, and subfolders, addresses and all others things I have in current PC from MS Outlook 2000 to my new PC I am buying. I note there is a giant PST file taking ups space for years, but what do I do with that? Do I have to lose all my incomming and stored email messages and curse the darkness or is that pst file good for something
Outlook 2000 Help says to download tools to handle the pst from Office on the Web. Why? Why? Where , where? Where are these mysterious tools that let me handle pst. Is pst something for MS Moscow HQ to peek into? It just sits there. Where are these pst handling tools
I know how to transfer address using DOS primative "import and export" that reduces you to stone age DOS formats: you get a comma separated, Lotus! or Excel file. Why I can not use import and export to transfer my inatct email and address to a new PC or say, my Laptop, is baffling except that it must serve dark MS' needs
For years I have tried to get information on pst file that I am constantly archiving. I have no idea how to use this or what it is for. Help directs me to the Outlook page on the WEB!!! That is how bad it is. Maybe MS does not know either. My purchased Books on Outlook do not cover. Why? Why? The authors must be as confused as I am. Do you know of any good reference book I can buy on this
C. Pech