what is service desk edition, office, home and student 2007



what is the service desk edition designation meaning on the office home and
student 2007 I am looking at?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The Service Desk Edition is a retail product intended for use by locations such as retailers to use to support the sales and service
of the Office 2007 product. It isn't intended for general sale to the public as I understand it.

what is the service desk edition designation meaning on the office home and student 2007 I am looking at?>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Chris P

I purchased today the Office 2007 Home and Student pack for £80 from Staples
in London, when I got home I realised it had the "service desk edition"
stamped on the front cover.
What does that mean?
Am I missing out on something vs the "real thing"?

I haven't opened my pack yet as I'm still thinking about returning it and
getting a refund. After all, it's only £1-2 less than the "proper" pack on

Pls help me shed some light if you can. Thanks

Roger Agness

I purchased a new HP 17" notebook and Office Professional from CompUSA. I
left the next day for a three-week business trip. Imagine my shock when I
started to use my Office and the title bar of every one of the applications
says "Non-Commercial Use." There is no way I can use this version because I
am a trainer and often make presentations to large groups. This will
seriously damage my credibility.

Unfortunately CompUSA has a strict 14-day AND unopened s/w policy, and I
will be gone for three weeks.

The store sales manager is going to get a serious phone call from me in
about two minutes...

Thank you for your valuable information.

Roger Agness

30-something Sales Manager Ryan was already wearing his asbestos panties,
plus he had his shields up. According to him, the title bar text
"non-commercial use" is because I "installed Office Professional 2007 Upgrade
(upgrading from pre-installed MS Works 2007) over pre-installed Office
Professional 2007 Free Trial, and it is recognizing the Free Trial software"
so thus I need to uninstall the preinstalled Free Trial and reinstall 2007

I kind of think that's a crock; because of what Bob Buckland says below,
because it was in different packaging than other boxes on the shelf using the
new rounded-corner plastic box, and because the sales person mumbled
something about being out of the regular Professional so she gave me the Help
Desk version.

Can anyone else corroborate Bob's answer, from personal experience or from a
Microsoft source?


Now to his credit, Ryan did say to come in to the store once I got back from
my three-week trip and he could override the 14-day rule if I was still
having problems.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]


Another scenario where this could occur is if your new computer came
with a free trial version of Office 2007 Home and Student Edition
preinstalled by the computer manufacturer, and someone incorrectly
installed a retail version of Office 2007 Professional Edition (or some
other edition) on top of the free trial version. The correct method
would be to uninstall the free trial version before installing the
retail version.

I gotta say, you are one brave soul to take a brand new, untested
computer on a business trip when you seem to rely heavily on being able
to use the computer. How did you know if the computer would even boot
up? I once ordered a new desktop computer that upon arrival wouldn't
boot up because the ribbon cable that connects all the drives inside was
installed backwards, but it took awhile for me to figure out that was
the reason.

Roger Agness

Excellent question! I have been in IT over twenty years, a trainer for over
fifteen, and a road warrior for five now. ("Not that there's anything wrong
with that" as Jerry would say. And not that it means I know anything.)


This purchase was so last minute that I finished paying AFTER the store had
closed for the night, and they had to open the gates back up for me get out.
Took it home, booted it up, and installed MS O 2007 Pro. Everything worked
fine. Yes, I technically was taking my life into my hands, but didn't have
any choice about it.

(The reason I had to buy a new machine so suddenly was because the loaner
laptop I had been using was finally requested back by that other client
company.... eight months after the last work I had done for them! Very
generous of them, I think!)

Regarding your scenario below: turns out that Control Panel, Programs,
Uninstall reports that I do indeed have MS Office Home & Student 2007
installed. (Along with MS Works.) Funny thing is that it and the Office
Professional 2007 that I installed myself are both exactly 554MB in size.

"The correct method would be to uninstall the free trial version before
installing the retail version." << That's what Ryan said. Wish I had known
that before.

But if Office is recognizing that I "still" have the free trial 60-day
version installed and THAT is why it is giving me the funky title bar text,
why did I not see that on any other machines on the shelf at the store?

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Regardless whether free trial or retail or OEM, all applications in
Office 2007 Home and Student Edition say "non-commercial use" in the
title bar. Other Office 2007 editions do not have this tidbit in the
title bar, also regardless whether free trial or retail or OEM, so
possibly the other display models at the store had a different Office
2007 edition installed.


garfield-n-odie said:
Regardless whether free trial or retail or OEM, all applications in
Office 2007 Home and Student Edition say "non-commercial use" in the
title bar. Other Office 2007 editions do not have this tidbit in the
title bar, also regardless whether free trial or retail or OEM, so
possibly the other display models at the store had a different Office
2007 edition installed.

I am having the same issue from a free trial that I had to download from the OEM site and I currently have the 2007 Office Enterprise edition from our Action Pack.

So you are syaing that the only way to get rid of this branding is to do a
complete uninstall of the products and then reinstall the legitimate one? I
mean that sounds extreme as this is just MS branding in the title bar. There
must be a less drastic method of removing this ?!

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