What is th point of note flags, and how do I use them?


John Waller

What is th point of note flags, and how do I use them?

It's all explained in OneNote's Help files (F1).

Just enter "note flags" and you'll get all the info you need.

Erik Sojka

Note Flags are customizable reminders that get attached to your notes. If
you're in a meeting and you have been assigned a "to do" task during that
meeting, you can write a reminder in your notes, add a Note Flag, then use
the Notes Summary Task Pane to see all of these flags.

On my work Tablet, I have different flags in OneNote for work and personal
to-do's, for all of the people with whom I have regular meetings and for
phone calls I have to make. If I'm in a meeting with John, and I make a
note to myself that I have to ask Jane a question, I flag that note with
Jane's assigned flag, then when I meet with Jane later, I have the reminder
right there tied to her name that I need to ask her something. Do I have
five minutes in between meetings to make a call? Search for all notes with
the "Phone Call" flag attached to it. Need to send an email to my mom?
Write a note, flag it with the "Personal To Do" flag, then search for
anything with that flag when I get home.

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