What is the best feature in OneNote?



I find OneNote to be a very stable app. I also feel the difficult task
of writing and inking in the same space is handled well in OneNote.

What is the best feature in OneNote, in your opinion ?

David Cleland

I find OneNote to be a very stable app. I also feel the difficult task
of writing and inking in the same space is handled well in OneNote.

What is the best feature in OneNote, in your opinion ?

total freedom you can drag and set most information anywhere on the page!

I love it



Cmon MVPs, It's time to brag about OneNote here. Speak and ye shall be


Yes, but why is OneNote a delight to use ?
Why is it one of your KEY apps ?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Yes, but why is OneNote a delight to use ?
Why is it one of your KEY apps ?

Can capture any and all information quickly and easily in a manner that is
easily searchable later. Capturing web information, integrating ink and
screen captures as well.

Our team uses it to create powerful research pages when trying to solve a
problem for a client. Their searchable and shareable.

In meetings I can take notes, flag important points and questions and not
forget or lose any questions when it comes time for Q&A. I can send my
meeting notes to my team after the meeting or even share it with them
during the meeting (infrastructure permitting)


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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