What is the best practice to invate other member




when I make a Standard Workspace as Manager and invite any Member to
this Workspace also as Manager, can this new Manager invite other Team-
Member and this other Team-Member?

When I invite Memer B, Member B invite Member C and Member C invite
Member D, I think all Member are synchronized.

Is this correct or not?

Must invite all time the same User other Member?

What is the best way to manage the Workspace?

My next Question is about work with groove on a local network with a
hub. I mean this is not the best way when I read eMail then the
synchronization is broken?

This is a little bit confuse for me.

I hope you can understand my question and thanks for help

kind regards

Joel Corra

For your first question, yes, all members are synchronized, so if you invite
Member B and Member B invites Member C, as soon as Member C accepts the
workspace invitation, Member C will show up in your list of Workspace Members.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "What is the best way to manage the
Workspace?" If you are referring to managing invitations, you can select the
options available for each role in the Workspace (the roles are Manager,
Participant, and Guest). So if you don't want anyone else to be able to send
out invitations to share your Workspace, you could disallow Participants from
sending invitations, and then only invite other members as Participants
instead of as Managers.

On a local network, Groove can find other Groove clients running on the same
network (unless a personal firewall is blocking the necessary ports). If
Groove can establish a direct connection across the local network, I believe
it will perform the synchronization directly. Otherwise, synchronization
will happen through one of the public Relay Servers. Does that answer your


Hello Joel,

thanks for your Info.

My Problem in our Groove-Network is the follow:
We are going all online over a Hub, all Clients can connect to the
same Network and all Client can work, all Workspaces are

When one Client connect to the Internet over a GSM-Modem, this Client
are not longer in our local Network, this Client is not longer
synchronize with the other Clients while the other Clients are not
online to the internet.

Is this a mistake from me ore Groove?

For my question to manage the Workspace. When I are only the Manager,
all other Clients are be Participants and my Workspace are corrupt,
the Workspace have not longer an Manager. The only way ist to make a
backup an restore the Workspace. Is this right? The restored Workspace
are not the same to the Workspace bevor I make a Backup and become a
new serialnumber in Groove? It is so, then I can only uninvite/invite
all Member to make a synchronize Workspace?

Kind regards

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