when I make a Standard Workspace as Manager and invite any Member to
this Workspace also as Manager, can this new Manager invite other Team-
Member and this other Team-Member?
When I invite Memer B, Member B invite Member C and Member C invite
Member D, I think all Member are synchronized.
Is this correct or not?
Must invite all time the same User other Member?
What is the best way to manage the Workspace?
My next Question is about work with groove on a local network with a
hub. I mean this is not the best way when I read eMail then the
synchronization is broken?
This is a little bit confuse for me.
I hope you can understand my question and thanks for help
kind regards
when I make a Standard Workspace as Manager and invite any Member to
this Workspace also as Manager, can this new Manager invite other Team-
Member and this other Team-Member?
When I invite Memer B, Member B invite Member C and Member C invite
Member D, I think all Member are synchronized.
Is this correct or not?
Must invite all time the same User other Member?
What is the best way to manage the Workspace?
My next Question is about work with groove on a local network with a
hub. I mean this is not the best way when I read eMail then the
synchronization is broken?
This is a little bit confuse for me.
I hope you can understand my question and thanks for help
kind regards