I would suggest you try and rough it out on paper first and see if you can
come up with a series of layers. Then you have a number of choices.
One way would be to create a master table of say 1 column by 6 rows (your
no. of layers) then in each table cell create another able corresponding to
the number of items at that layer.
Finally you can draw lines or arrows on top of the tables.
Another way might be to simply turn on the drawing grid and use it to move
your food picture/diagrams about using the grid for alignment. If you specify
text wrappiing of say "Behind text" for each of your diagrams thenyou can
push the about, and nudge them with the arrrow keys. Finally, draw iin your
The key is to get a good roughed out drawing first.
I hope this gives you food for thought. Let us know how you get on